To Think if We Never Met

2 min readJul 20, 2020

It’s hard to imagine my life without him. The one person, I can lean on, count on to be there no matter what, to make me laugh so hard I cry. Someone who loves me for me, who makes me feel so special. Someone I was able to give my heart fully to.

Someone, I looked at and my heart was happy, and “happy” hadn’t been in my vocabulary very much. I knew very early on he was the “one.” I made sure my family knew about him, and what a great person he was. Sure, has there been some downs and a lot of ups of course.

The first real relationship I have had and I am so glad fate, chance or God led to us meeting. It all goes back almost two years ago. I had recently gotten out of a long relationship. I wasn’t looking to date. I thought, okay whats the harm? I downloaded this said “app”, thinking nothing of it at the time. Telling myself, this was the time of “me”! Time to get myself in check, work on me and various things in my life. No time for drama, oh no!

A few days later I received a message from my now boyfriend. I looked at his picture, (which later on telling him I thought he looked like a huge nerd). I messaged back and that let us to talking. Soon after we met. That is how it all began. I am so happy I messaged him back.

He is the best thing to happen to me. It just felt right with him from the get-go. We were both goofy, we got eachother, made eachother laugh, had so much in common. The best thing is not only is he awesome, but I jive with his family, something I have always wanted.

What I am saying is love, true love comes when you least expect it. Life has a funny way of working out, leading you down different paths. Sure, you may go through heartache and pain. Heck, even go through some bad apples.

Don’t give up. I am so glad I didn’t.

